Monday, August 24, 2009

Watching My Mouth!! has happened, Mommy said something naughty and Antonio has adopted it as his new phrase!! When I am frustrated, I have noticed that I tend to say "Damn it".

The other night Antonio was playing "baseball" with a giant balloon. He was having me throw it at him and he was swinging his soft baseball bat and hitting it. He swung and missed and out popped those words...damn it!

At first I didn't know how to react. I found it slightly funny at first, but knew if I laughed he would continue to say it. So instead, I told no no, you don't say those words. Did he listen?? He is two, of course he didn't listen!

Over the course of the past few days he has said it a few more times. I really hope he hasn't said it at preschool. I always hated it when the kids swore at the preschool where I worked and now, I have the potty mouthed kid!!

And what's worse, I hope he hasn't said it at church! His Sunday School teachers haven't said anything to me about him saying it, but I would just be so embarrassed if he said it. Mostly because I know it is my fault! I said it first, and he copied me. What a BAD MOMMY!!

So, tonight, he said it again. In as calm of a tone as I could, I put my arm around him and said, saying damn it is naughty. If you say it again, I'm going to make you eat soap!

He stood there and pondered it for a moment and then calmly said, Mommy, my no say damn it anymore. I sure hope he doesn't. Now...Mommy has to no say damn it anymore too!! Or I guess I will have to eat soap to prove my point!


charese said...

That is hilarious! Kids always seem to pick up on the naughty words the fastest. Don't feel like a bad mom I think all kids probably go through that.

Cami said...

When I worked in the primary at our church I always told the parents "I won't tell you what your kids said about you if you don't tell what mine said about me!" Our kids always tell our dirty little secrets, I guess it God's way of keeping us honest. And I agree with Charese, all kids have done it, mine included. Cute story!

Amy Veloz said...

Thanks, Charese and Cami! Glad I'm not the only one who has a naughty one! ;) He isn't really that naughty, just picked up on Mommy's naughty language!