Thursday, July 30, 2009

Getting Going

Well, as some of you may know...I've been working for the last few months to get my own PR company going. I've been networking, setting up meetings, going on lunches and I feel like my wheels are spinning!
Just when I feel like I am making progress I come across someone who wants me to give away the knowledge and skill that I have been working on developing for years, for FREE!! What I don't understand is how I can make money when I'm working for Free?? Now, I have volunteered my services for non-profits, but that is because I wanted to help that company help the community. But to work for free for everyone...I won't be able to feed my children!
Argh! Just doesn't make sense to me!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


At Sunday School today in the class that Ben and I attend, which is called PEP - Parents Encouraging Parents, there was such an important topic that we talked about. It was basically about why you should teach your children that it isn't doing what God wants when you lie. And about how to teach them not to lie. And that brought me to a question that I'm just not sure of the answer to. When my kids are mean to each other; biting, hitting, whatever the case may be, they are asked if they did it and always say yes. Then they are punished for being mean.

What I was lost about is - isn't that teaching them that telling the truth is getting them in trouble? They are smart long is it going to be before they start lying to avoid the punishment? My good friend and adopted sister - Cassondra Lauver gave me good advice when I asked her how do I teach them not to lie when they are being punished after telling the truth. She said she always used to thank Skyler for telling the truth, but let her know what she did was wrong so she needed to be punished for that. However, is she had lied, the punishment would be double/worse. I am thankful for these words of wisdom and I definitely plan on trying to reiterate that to my kids as we grow. It makes me nervous that I am soley responsible - along with Ben of course, for shaping these tiny people into the adults I want them to be. It is so scary!! But I love them so much and want them to grow into amazing people. So, if anyone else has any words of wisdom, I would love to hear them!!

Getting a glimpse of yourself

There is nothing like getting a glimpse of how you react to certain thing through your children. As I grew up, when I misbehaved - which wasn't often ;) - I got a spanking. I never had timeout. So, new methods are confusing to me. How much help is it in showing your child what they did was wrong by making them sit down by themselves? I do timeout, I just don't always get it. Anyway, that doesn't mean I don't spank. I don't beat my don't report me! But, sometimes a swat on the butt is what is necessary to get the point across that what they are doing isn't right.

As I sit here on a Sunday night trying to finish a work project, I'm watching my children play. And now that I'm writing a blog, I'm not really getting much work done, am I? :) Anyway, they are taking turns giving each other a swat on the butt, saying take my hand, then walking each other to the corner and making the other sit in timeout. I have to say it is hilarious, but each time it is their turn, their voices are getting louder and louder. It makes me see that as they repeat a misdeed, my patience is smaller and my voice level when punishing gets louder and louder. I don't want to be that parent that is constantly yelling at their kids. If nothing else, this will remind me that sometimes it is necessary to take a deep breath as I'm punishing so I can keep a calmer demeanor. I want my kids to have a good example and know that even though I am punishing them, I still love them!

Friday, July 24, 2009

VYP event

Last night I spent a couple of hours at the Vegas Young Professionals mixer. It was the first real mixer I have been to, and while I was nervous on the drive over and nervous walking to the bar, once I got in there and saw a few people I knew, I eased right in.

I made a few really great contacts, and might even get a couple of great clients out of it. If anyone who reads this is working in Vegas and between the ages of 21-39, it seems like a really great group. It isn't too expensive to join and you meet some really great people. And for Mom's like me who spend most of their time working from home, it was a great outlet to have adult conversations and meet other working people who also might have kids.

I met some great people and got to see some friends I have made through other outlets. Gina and Will are both such great people. Gina is a great lawyer if anyone needs her services and Will does web development if you need that. And from what I gather just from looking at sites he has done...he is pretty great at it. Let me know if you need their contact info! :)

I have a second contact for websites too...Nick Jones with Company Insite. He is actually building my site. He is amazing too. Not to make you fight for it guys, but I just love ya both! :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


There is nothing like watching two people madly in love with each other making a commitment before God to love each other forever! That is what I spent this last week doing.
I watched Ben's best friend, Levi marry the love of his life, Kristy. I love those looks you see a bride and groom give each other at the altar. That look of nothing but pure love!

Ben was the best man, and he did such an amazing job with his speech. I was so proud of him. Because if you know Ben, you know he isn't much for public speaking. But it was so great! And once our kids pooped out, which was really early, Ben and I were able to relax a little and enjoy the rest of the night. I even got him to dance with me. It was great!

We love Levi and Kristy both, so much. And we are just beyond happy for them. We wish them a lifetime of LOVE and happiness. And know that is exactly what they will have.

Monday, July 13, 2009


I love weddings. I really am such a romantic and I love to look at the faces of the bride and groom as they see each other standing in the most fabulous outfits. I don't care what the man looks like, a tux always makes him studly! And there is no figure that doesn't look beautiful in a wedding dress. Well, this weekend is the wedding of Ben's best friend since diapers, Levi and his beautiful bride to be, Kristy. They have already been through a lot in their relationship, so I know the marriage will be wonderful for them both.

Ben is the best man, and he always looks so amazing in a tux. I can't wait!! We are heading up to Reno this week to watch Levi get married and it makes me reflect. I have known Levi for more than 10 years now, and have know Kristy for about 6. I have known them apart and together and am just so excited for them. I can't believe that we are at the point in our lives where most everyone I know, or am real friends with, is married. And most of us have kids too. I just can't believe we are grown up!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Well, life takes us on amazing journeys. It has officially been forever since I last posted a blog. I'm not even sure if anyone even reads this. :( But I will write down what we have been up to anyway. My kids are rapidly growing into smart little people. I can't believe some of the stuff they come up with on a daily basis. One minute they are loving on each other playing so nicely and the next second they are wildly fighting, screaming and crying. I guess this is probably fairly typical for two-year-old twins! But then again, I don't know anyone with twins, so it is hard to say how typical it is.
They have great manners. They say please and thank you. When we sneeze they say bless you. They say excuse me when they are trying to get by each other. They say sorry when they do something wrong, but they can be so stubborn about that. Analise will take time out to avoid saying sorry sometimes. It is so funny and so hard not to laugh at her stubbornness. Punishing is often a challenge because they give me those precious looks. But I know I have to be strong if I want to maintain the upper hand, even if I won't have it much longer.
I want so badly to be a good mom. I hope my kids know how much I love them and will always love them. I tell them "I love you so much" and they say "I love you so much too". Now, whether they know exactly what that means or not, it just warms my heart to hear them say those words. I hope to hear those words for the rest of my Life!