Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Taking it for granted

Sometimes, it takes someone else's tragedy to see that we are taking it all for granted.

Today was a hard day for me. My kids pushed my buttons at every turn and really worn on my nerves. From playing in the toilet, to rubbing yogurt in their hair shortly after a bath and whining ALL DAY, I had just about had it come bed time.

And after an extra long nap, Analise was giving us a lot of grief over going to bed. She would cry for one or the other of us, we would go back to her room and she would try to quickly tell us a big long story. We would kiss her goodnight, go back to the living room and shortly after the cycle would begin all over. Ben and I were both getting frustrated.

I know they are just kids, and life can't be perfect all the time, but tonight I just felt like I needed a break!! Then, as we were watching The Biggest Loser, it all came into perspective. One of the contestants was telling "her story" to the group. She told of her amazing husband, five-and-a-half year-old daughter and her perfect little two week old son who were taken away from her in an instant in a car accident. I immediately broke into tears, as I'm sure many watching did. How horrible! I can't even imagine losing my wonderful husband and precious babies. I just can't. It makes me cry typing this.

It also made me take pause and think, gosh I am sitting here wishing for a break and this poor woman wishes every day, all day for just one more moment with her kids. It really makes you stop and think. It is so unfortunate that it takes seeing someone else's tragedy/loss to realize how lucky I am. I am so lucky to have my family all sound asleep in their beds and safe. I feel so horrible for even wishing for just a few moments of silence, as it could all be taken away in an instant.

Tonight I am going to bed feeling blessed! I pray for that woman that she will find peace and an inner strength to help her accomplish her goal of doing good. I also pray for me to have more patience when dealing with my two-year-olds and the gentle reminder ever so often that I shouldn't take them for granted.

1 comment:

Easy Losing Weight said...

I saw the episode of the Biggest Loser also. I agree, it made me think a little. Even though I am not married and I don't have kids. I love my niece and nephew to death.
Sometimes something like that makes you think a little more about what you have.