I just can't believe we are already into 2011. When did this happen? What an amazing year we have had. There have been struggles, but that is with any year. Some amazing things that have happened this year:
* The kids turned 3 and have shown us how to be patient. :)
* Ben and I celebrated our 10 year high school reunion, 5 years of marriage and 11 years together. It feels like I have loved him forever.
*Analise started ballet and is a natural at it. She had her first little recital at the Fair and Festival (aka Harvest Festival, aka Fall Festival) and her Mimi was able to be here to watch it with us.
*We took our first trip to Disneyland. We spent a little time at the beach and an entire day at Disneyland. It wasn't nearly long enough, but the kids loved every second of it.
*Ben and I decided to have another baby - even if it meant we got two more, but were thrilled to find out we are having just one this time. It will be a whole new experience for us. And the little bundle of joy is a boy. We are still deciding on how to spell it, but his name will be Isaiah/Izayah.
*We spent lots of time together as a family and have loved every second of it.
*We have also spent lots of time with friends. I love watching the kids interact with their friends and have their personalities shine.
We spent Christmas in Nevada this year. We missed our family in Kentucky so very much, but still tried to have a great holiday. The kids were so excited Christmas morning to see that Santa had come and brought them some terrific presents. They already can't wait until next year!
We spent New Year's Eve up in Trout Canyon at the Floyd's cabin with our friends. The kids and Ben played in the snow, while I watched. I didn't want to be a party pooper, but I wasn't sure how good of an idea it was to rush down a hill when I'm almost 5 months pregnant. I had a blast watching them have fun. It was fun for me too. :)
Now we look forward to all the wonderful things that will come to us in 2011.
*The kids will turn 4! Which is so very hard for me to believe.
*God willing, we will welcome our newest little addition to the family.
*The kids will start t-ball, which they are both thrilled about
*Analise will have her first, formal ballet recital.
I know there will be so many more wonderful things to come to us this year, and I'm excited to experience them all with my amazing children and my wonderful, loving husband. I am such a LUCKY woman!